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Noelle Ryanne Lam

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Republic Polytechnic

School of Technology for the Arts

Arts and Theatre Management

My polytechnic life

In the 3 years that I have spent at Republic Polytechnic, I was able to gain a better understanding and experience the Arts and Theatre industry through the various modules my diploma offered such as management, technical theatre and art modules. 


I am also part of an Interest Group, the School of technology for the Arts Club (STA Club), being in this interest group, I got to experience things like marketing, public relations, event planning and many more.

Languages and IT skills 


English (written & spoken)

Mandarin Chinese (written & spoken)

Korean (basic written & spoken)


Computer and Software

Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator

Microsoft Office


Workshops attended

Peer Supporter Leader Training

7 - 8 Sept 2021

I learnt about the mental issues Singaporean youths face these days and how can I as a student leader provide help to those in need, especially to students in Republic Polytechnic.


Conflict Mediation

20 - 21 Sept 2021

Held by external trainers who taught her the most appropriate way to dispute fights among fellow peers.

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